'Governors have been very quick to respond to recommendations. They have recruited additional governors with the expertise necessary to drive the school forwards. They have restructured the governing body to ensure that they are able to support the school in providing pupils with an ever-improving quality of education' Ofsted, March 2022
The statutory purpose of the Governing Body is to promote a high standard of educational achievement in our school. We provide strategic leadership and accountability.
Our core functions, as set out in The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013, are:
There are 17 members on our Governing Body and we meet formally each month during term time with additional working groups or Panels as required. School governorship is a very responsible voluntary (unpaid) role requiring a commitment to engage in the activities of the school and share knowledge and skills for the benefit of the whole school community.
The day to day management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher and staff, whereas the governors are responsible for the general direction of the school and providing a strategic overview.
The Governing Body acts as a critical friend to the school and ensures accountability, whilst considering the interests of children, parents and staff. Our Governors work closely with the Headteacher, the Senior Leadership Team and Staff to ensure that every child gets the best possible education. We make decisions about curriculum, finance, staffing and premises matters, to help raise standards of achievement and to make sure that the school provides a good quality education in a safe environment for all our pupils.
Our Chair of Governors, Mrs Gemma Elliott can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governing Body at More information about our Governors can be found below:
Chair of Governors / Parent Governor
Appointed January 2022 - current term of office ends January 2026
I have lived in the local area for most of my life and have worked in the Public Sector locally for over 20 years. My job has allowed me to work with a wide range of people and agencies within the community.
My eldest son started in Reception at the school in 2020 and my youngest son joined in September 2022. I have an ongoing relationship with Georgian Gardens and I want to support the school in any way I can.
I am pleased to be involved with a school that cares for all its students and provides a positive learning environment and am passionate about supporting where I can to keep the school flourishing and improving.
Miss Bowers took up post as Headteacher at Georgian Gardens in January 2018 and is a serving member of the governing body. Previously she was Headteacher at Rudgwick Primary School (2013 - 2017) and prior to this had experience of working in primary schools in both West Sussex and Hampshire. Miss Bowers is keen to ensure that all pupils at Georgian Gardens are inspired by their learning and supported to achieve the very best that they can.
Local Authority Governor
Appointed January 2006 – current term of office ends January 2026
Rosemary is a local authority appointed governor. She lives in Rustington with her husband Martin. Now retired, she worked for the NHS as a Director of a Primary Care Trust with responsibility for all primary care provision across the Trust. Her voluntary work includes 14 years as a Magistrate in Sussex serving in both the Adult and Family Courts and many years working in and supporting the voluntary youth sector. Rosemary believes that all children should learn and develop in a safe and caring environment and that they should have a positive experience at school. She is proud of the important role Georgian Gardens School plays in the local community.
Co-opted Governor
Appointed December 2013 – current term of office ends May 2027.
Helen is the leader of the Reception Year, Year One and Year Two. She has taught at Georgian Gardens since 1997 and is passionate about the education and welfare of young children. She has personally inducted over 1000 children in to school. Helen is married to Dominic and has 2 children , both of whom attended Georgian Gardens. Originally elected as a staff governor she was re-appointed as a co-opted governor in 2015. Helen is also a governor at Chatsmore Catholic High School in Goring.
Vice Chair of Governors / Co-opted Governor
Appointed January 2025 – current term of office ends January 2029.
Heather has been a practitioner in schools for 37 years working in Liverpool, Haringey and West Sussex and has held a number of responsibilities including Safeguarding, SENCO, Travellers' Education, EAL provision, Children who are Looked After, Pastoral Care etc. She has worked for Ofsted and has been part of the West Sussex Safeguarding of Children Board. She has experience working with statutory agencies - most notably Children's Social Care and Sussex Police Safeguarding Investigation Unit .
Heather lives locally and has a special fondness for Georgian Gardens because, at the tender age of 18, she did work experience when the school had just opened. This confirmed her desire to be a teacher. She seeks to work hard to ensure she can be of service to all staff, students, families and the Governing Body at Georgian Gardens school. She currently leads the Governor's Pastoral and Pupil Premium Team and she is currently the Vice-Chair of Governors.
Co-opted Governor
Appointed July 2024 – current term of office ends July 2028.
Emily lives in Littlehampton with her husband and three children. Before qualifying as a teacher, thirteen years ago, she did a degree in psychology and worked in schools supporting the transition of children with autistic spectrum disorder from home programmes into the mainstream. Emily taught at Georgian Gardens for ten years. She worked part-time while her children were young and was then a full-time class teacher here for seven years. Two of her own children have been educated at Georgian Gardens.
Co-opted Governor
Appointed April 2021 – current term of office ends April 2025
Judy lives in Rustington with her husband, Bob, who is a local councillor. They have three children and four grandchildren, one of whom is a pupil at Georgian Gardens. Judy worked in education for forty years. She was Headteacher of four primary schools, a School Improvement Consultant and an Ofsted Inspector. Now retired, she retains her passion to ensure that children get the best possible education continues.
Co-opted Governor
Appointed September 2021 - current term of office ends September 2025
Jamie moved to Rustington in 2007 and at the age of 18 he was elected to Rustington Parish Council in 2009 where he served as Chairman of the Council from 2017-2019. In 2019 Jamie was also elected to Arun District Council to represent Rustington West. During his time as Parish Council Chairman, Jamie visited the school a number of times to see the great work the staff and students do within the school and local community. Jamie has a number of close links with the school as many family members are former pupils of the school, a family member works at the school and his son currently attends the school.
Co-opted Governor
Appointed November 2021 - current term of office ends November 2025
When Tamsin moved into this area with her family in 2021 she chose Georgian Gardens because of the nurturing culture that was evident throughout the school which enables children to grow both personally and academically. Tamsin feels very strongly that the wellbeing and development of children should underpin all the workings of the school and the governing body, and as a governor she relishes the opportunity to support the school in achieving its aims.
Tamsin has a background in HR and Finance, and she has a School Business Manager qualification. She has also provided clerking and governance adviser services to a variety of schools in recent years.
Co-opted Governor
Appointed July 2022 - current term of office ends July 2026
Gemma is a co-opted governor who has been a teacher for 17 years. She recently decided to come away from teaching and is now moving into Digital Marketing while occasionally working as a Supply teacher at her previous school. She lives in Rustington with her family and chose Georgian Gardens as the school for her two children because of the focus on the child as a whole and the community feel. Gemma enjoys coming into Georgian Gardens and listening to children read and helping on trips when needed. As a governor, Gemma hopes to support the school to continue improving and providing a positive, supportive learning environment where all children can be inspired to learn and achieve.
Co-opted Governor
Appointed February 2023 - current term of office ends February 2027
Sam is a programme manager at the Medical Research Council (MRC), responsible for better research methods and data science skills. It takes so many different types of people, working in so many different ways, to make top quality research. Sam is keen that all those doing their bit to help UK medical research are recognised and rewarded within MRC strategy. Similarly, Georgian Gardens is a brilliant example of how community best provides the creativity, belief and wellbeing for all pupils, staff and families to thrive. Sam is honoured to help recognise and support all those that make that possible.
Sam has held several roles during his years at MRC, developing a many different research funding schemes and research partnerships. Sam obtained a PhD and MSci from the University of Bristol before a brief time as a research scientist studying neuroscience in Uppsala, Sweden. He has one daughter at the school and a partner on the PTA.
Parent Governor
Appointed September 2023 - current term of office ends September 2027
Co-opted Governor
Appointed September 2023 - current term of office ends September 2027
I live locally with my partner Marc and our two cats. I have worked for HSBC for 38 years. Through my role as a Network Manager, I have been given the opportunity to deliver Financial Education Sessions to local schools, this gave me my first real insight into school life. I loved the thrive ethos at Georgian Gardens and when the Co-Opted Governor role was advertised, I jumped at the chance to apply.
As I start my Governor journey, I am excited to work closely with Amie our Headteacher, the Senior Leader Team and the Staff to ensure the children in the school get the best education in a caring and safe environment.
Staff Governor
Appointed September 2024 - current term of office ends September 2028
Hollie lives in Durrington with her partner and has been a teacher at Georgian Gardens since 2023. She grew up in Epsom, Surrey and spent 3 years working as a teacher there before moving down to the seaside. Hollie leads Art at Georgian Gardens as well as running her Musical Theatre Dance club after school. Hollie is very passionate about teaching Art and Dance in school, providing children with the opportunity to be creative and express themselves through the arts. She also has experience running her own online business selling her artwork and crafts, as well as teaching a variety of dance genres. Hollie loves being a primary teacher, it is all she has ever wanted to do, and is very excited to be elected as part of the governing body, taking the next step in her teaching career.
Co-opted Governor
Appointed September 2023 - current term of office ends September 2027
Co-opted Governor
Appointed January 2024- current term of office ends January 2028